This is a Great Game of Pin the Eye on the Minion and be sure to check out other DIY Despicable Me Party Decoration Ideas.
What you Need:
– Cardboard
– Yellow Cardstock or plastic tablecloth
– Blue Cardstock
– Tape or Glue
– White Cardstock
– Silver glitter or Glitter Glue
– Black Cardstock or plastic tablecoth
– Black Sharpie
How to Make:
1. First Take a long piece of cardboard.
2. Add yellow cardstock or plastic tablecloth and attach with glue or tape.
3. Cut your Minion to size as desired.
4. Add Blue Cardstock in the shape of overalls with glue or tape.
5. With the Black sharpie draw the black buttons for overalls, mouth and hair on the minion.
6. Take a smaller piece of cardboard and add blue cardstock with glue and cut into the shape of the overall pocket.
7. Place pocket onto the middle of the overalls with glue.
8. If desired use the black sharpie and make stitches on pocket and straps. Draw a Circle in the center and outline the G and color in as desired.
9. Add black cardstock or plastic tablecloth in a form of strip for the goggle bands mid top of the minion.
10. Cut out a white Circle and add a black smaller circle in the center with a black sharpie.
11. Add silver glitter or glitter glue to the rim of the eye making the goggle affect.
13. You can use velcro or use tack it over and over glue on the back of the eye.
That is it! You are done.
How to Play:
1. Explain to all particapents that the object is to get as close as possible to attach the eye in the middle of the Minion head on the black band.
2. Blind fold the person whose turn it is and turn them around 3 times and stop them to face the Minion.
3. Let them guide themselves to the Minion and attach the eye where they think is the middle. Repeat for each participant.
4. Attach the Minion to a door or wall first before playing.
That is it! Enjoy and have fun.
5. The Winner is the person who gets the closest to the right spot.
Topic: Pin the Eye on the Minion Game