Help your VBS participants dig deeper in God’s Word with an overview of each day lesson with some helpful ideas with crafts and games to add to your Day 1 experience.
Day 1 Bible Study Submerged – Zacchaeus
Passage – Luke 19:1-10
Lesson – Jesus came into Jericho. Zacchaeus wanted to see Jesus but could not over the crowd that were standing and waiting in the streets, so he climbed a tree. Jesus saw Zacchaeus on the tree. He called him by name and demanded him to come down and told him He would be staying with him that night. Zacchaeus is a tax collector. People did not like him because his job was to collect taxes. The crowd talked about how he is a sinner and does wrong things.. Jesus told Zacchaeus that Salvation has come to his home. God wanted Zacchaeus to do what is right. He has a plan for him. Zacchaeus knew he has done some wrong things and told Jesus he would help the poor people. Jesus has happy for him and told him the He comes to people like him to learn about God.
Memory Verse – Luke 19: 10
Thoughts to Ponder
- Zacchaeus is a sinner. We are all sinners. If we don’t know Jesus we are lost and unsaved.
- Who and How can you share who Jesus Christ is?
- Jesus called Zacchaeus by name. No one in the crowd said his name.
- The crowd whispered about how a sinner Zacchaeus is and Jesus will be staying in his home.
- Jesus knows who is a true believer and not a believer and He knew that Zacchaeus was not a believer.
Main Point – Jesus know me. Jesus really knows who I am.
Lesson Truth – Jesus looks past our outside appearances, sees who we truly are and reaches out to us with His unconditional love.
Dive Deeper – Psalms 139:23-24
Challenge – Every person you encounter today, call them by name when you thank them for something they have done today or in the past.
Craft projects can get pretty pricey when you have a large group of children. Check out this Church Evaluation of the Crafts for VBS 2016 Submerged Theme. You know your church better than anyone else including the budget you are working off. I am not advocating one over another but merely offering ideas on how to lower costs but still have a great craft for kids to make.
- Climbing Zacchaeus (from the option pack)
- Search and Rescue Wobble Divers
- Submarine Coin collector
Preschool Crafts
- Climbing Zacchaeus (from the option pack)
- Scuba Scarf
- Shimmer Sea Turtle
Alternative Crafts
1. Paper Bag Tree with Climbing Zacchaeus
- Brown Paper Bag
- Green Tissue paper squares
- Printable Zacchaeus that can be colored and cut out
- Glue Dots
2. Towel Tube Tree with Climbing Zacchaeus
- Brown Paper Towel Tube
- Green Tissue Paper
- Rubber Band
- Printable Zacchaeus that can be colored and cut out
Topic: Day 1 Bible Study Submerged – Zacchaeus