Best Day Ever Party! These are great Tangled Party Decoration Ideas that will make any Rapunzel party lots of fun.
Colors – Yellow, Dark Purple, Light Purple and Pink
*These Ideas are inspired by products found at Dollar Tree. You can now get Disney Princess 12ct paper placemats that include Ariel, Cinderella and Rapunzel. Dollar Tree also has Princess Snack Pails, Cupcake Baking Cups 18ct with 18ct Princess decorative topping picks. There are also Snack Pails that look like the old fashioned popcorn holders but with Disney Princesses on them. So head on over to Dollar Tree and see all the amazing Tangled Birthday Party Ideas you can find!
Rapunzel’s Tower Piñata – Guess what the cost is? Just Kidding! If you are like me (creating theme parties) then you probably have most of these things on hand! Take a cardboard box and make it into a tower and cover it with silver or grey tissue paper which can be found in the wedding area of the party supplies at Dollar Tree. Add the window and created a braid from Yellow yarn to make the appearance of Rapunzel’s Hair. My piñata is mimicked after the tower that is depicted in the Tangled Movie. Check out the Step by Step Rapunzel’s Tower Piñata Tutorial.
Tangled Party Favors
Tangled Treat Boxes – If you are lucky enough you can find 64ct Tangled Favors boxes at Dollar Tree. They are 8 boxes with various toys in each as shown above. These favor boxes are $10 at Walmart but you are Gold if you find them at Dollar Tree. So my fear that they may run out, so I went ahead and bought 2 pks almost 7 months before my Tangled Party!
Eugene Favor Bags – Make these simple Eugene favor pages all made from items from Dollar Tree. Very simple and easy to make. Check out the Eugene Favor bag tutorial.
Wall Decorations
Banister Hair Decoration- This is so awesome if you have a banister and if not it is still awesome if you start from the ceiling and then just go around the room slowly going down towards the floor. So easy to make and costs a couple dollars depending on how long you plan on making it. Take a plastic yellow tablecloth and cut into 6 strips the long way. Bundle up each strip to make it look poufy. Braid like you would with hair with 3 strips. Add the additional 3 strips to the existing and continue to braid. Make it as long as you desire so you may want to purchase 3-4 plastic tablecloths. These are a Dollar at Dollar Tree and currently $.97 at Walmart. Check out a more detailed Step by Step Banister Hair Decoration Tutorial.
Rapunzel’s Door Tower – Simple and cheap to make, which is my kind of craft! You can purchase silver Plastic Tablecloth at Dollar Tree in the Wedding Section of the Party Supplies. Make sure to measure your door and cover the door cutting of excess and make sure to make the tower shape. Mine resembles the image of the tower in the Tangled Movie. Add your window and for added fun make a braided hair hanging from the window. You can find a more detailed Rapunzel Door Tower Tutorial.
Eugene (Birthday Child) Wanted Posters – So depending on your child you are celebrating if it’s a girl then you will want to do Eugene Wanted Posters but if you have a son then replace their face on a Wanted poster. These make for great added detail to a Tangled party. The best place to put them is on your mailbox, Front/Back Door, Inside the Bathroom door, opposing wall of a mirror or even on the Frig. Check out the Eugene Wanted Poster Template.
Star Flower Lanterns – These are so simple to make and you will never guess that you can make these out of Wrapping paper from Dollar Tree. Yes you can use cardstock or even construction paper. But what I like about the wrapping paper all that is involved to make 2 is cutting 2 directions and folding 3 times and then taping! You can either have a cutting machine cut the star flower shape out for you or attempt it yourself or used different paper to cut many and just add on the sides of the lanterns. To see what I mean go take a look at the Star Flower Lantern Tutorial. These are great to string along and have them hanging from the ceiling.
Draw Bridge – You can make a huge draw bridge coming from the bathroom or even the outside door. All you need is silver or bronze color paper and much like the rings you make for the Christmas countdown calendar do the same. Make them as big or small as you want them. Tape one end to the side of the door and the other side to the silver paper or tablecloth you use for the bridge part. Simple and very easy to make. Check out the Draw Bridge Tutorial.
Banner Flags – You can make either banner flag design sporting the flower/star symbolizing Rapunzel’s family crest. These make great Hear Ye, Hear Ye flags and make some extras for the kids to carry around and to take home with them. You can make these flags into a Happy Birthday banner as well. See here for the Banner Flag Tutorial.
Disney Tangled Table Decorations
Iron Skillet Plates – These are so simple and very cheap to make. This is the type of craft you say to yourself, “why didn’t I think of that?” So here is what you do, go to Dollar Tree and look in the party ware section of the store. You will find all sorts of solid color paper products. Look for the black paper plates you can get the small cake plates or the large serving plates. Either size will work and will depend on what you plan on using them for. If you want the Iron Skillet Plate to act as your serving dishes go with the larger plates, but if you plan on setting the cake and ice cream on them then I would suggest the small plates. They only cost a $1 and you can make at least 12 with the large plates and 15 of the smaller plates. So now you need to follow on over to the Iron Skillet Plate Tutorial so you can make them. I tell you these are so simple and cheap to make. These are my kind a Frugal crafts!
Rapunzel’s Paper Towel Tower – I bet you can have at least 2 if not more Paper Towel rolls by the end of the week with just normal home routine so point is you can easily make these Rapunzel’s Paper Towel Towers. Simply get silver or grey tissue paper that can be found at Dollar Tree. Cover the paper towel. Create a pointed top and cover. Add a Window, you can pre-cut on instead of adding one on the outside of the paper towel roll. Secure tightly with tape. Add some yarn braided for extra umph!
Tableware – With a Tangled Party you can use solid colors like purple, pinks and yellow including napkins and plastic ware.
Tangled Food Ideas
If you have any recommendations please a comment below because I really need some help in this area!
Tangled Party Invites
Towers – I saw a picture during my party idea research for a Rapunzel party that had the tower not exactly like the one in the movie but similar with Rapunzel’s hair braided from paper coming from the window. I thought this was a very neat idea so I created my own tower with Window but mimic more of the Movie image of the Tower. Check out my Rapunzel’s Tower Invitation Tutorial.
Thank you Cards
Lanterns – You can make some simple Tangled Lantern Thank you Cards with some cardstock and the Flower Star emblem on them. On the back you can write that you are thankful for them coming and celebrating. Check out the step by step Lantern tutorial and shapes to make them.
Rapunzel’s Hair Tiara’s/Crowns – Take yellow yarn or even blonde wig hair or yellow toy hair extensions from Dollar Tree and create some braided hairs. Add them to the ring band and have these ready for all the little girls who want to be like Rapunzel.
Eugene Satchel – This may be popular around the boys in the party to have a satchel just like Eugene. Some may consider it a purse but if they are familiar with the movie than they know Eugene carries all his goods in there. You can find the brown packaging paper roll at Dollar Tree that can make roughly 4-6 depending on how big you make them. Make sure to make the straps accordingly to your guests so they are not too long or too short. Check out Eugene Satchel tutorial.
Eugene Vests – In the Movie Tangled Eugene who is wanted wears a vest. These vests can be made out of just about anything from old t-shirts to left over material. If you are like me and you look for frugal ways to save consider Dollar Tree. Yes that is right! Dollar Tree has so many things you can make from just about anything in their stores! So purchase a couple plastic tablecloths and unfold them out. You will need a rough estimation of the sizes you will need for the kids attending this Rapunzel party. From my calculations if you are having small kids from 2-8 you will be able to get a minimum of 4 maybe 6 out of 1 tablecloth. Cut your pieces and here’s a hint. Have the shoulders stay connected when cutting and that way all you have to do is connect the sides underneath the arms and you can easily do this with double sided tape. They only need to hold up long enough for the party and lets face it kids are rough when they are having a good time so the cheaper the better to make these. No worries of feeling guilty that they will be ruined by the end of the day. You can go here for the pattern and for the Eugene Step by Step Tutorial.
Disney Tangled Games
Pin the Pony Tail on Rapunzel – Very quick and simple you can either make a tower and with a pony tail braided or you can make a larger poster face of Rapunzel and make her pony tail to pin on her hair. What a great game to play. You can see the Tower and Rapunzel Tutorials here.