Here is a itty bitty easy little Bee craft to make!
My sister made these for a Princess Tiana Birthday party for my niece. We made flowers to on the walls on lily pads and put these little bees on them.

What you Need:
– Yellow Pom pom
– Black pipe cleaner
– 2 googly eyes
– White Tissue Paper
– Hot glue gun and glue sticks
How to Make:
1. Take the yellow pom pom and the black pipe cleaner and wrap the pipe cleaner around the pipe cleaner making it looked striped like a bee.
2. Glue on your googly eyes.
3. cut out a tiny set of wings from the white tissue paper and glue to its back.
That’s it very simple and easy and very cute. Just don’t lose him like I did!
Topic: Easy Little Bee Craft