Do you have a LEGO fan in the house. Do you tend to step on the LEGOs? Ouch they hurt right? Let’s get excited together and build excitement for the newest LEGO Movie. This LEGO Pinata tutorial is a sure win for an awesome LEGO Party and relatively easy.
LEGO Pinata Tutorial
Build the best LEGO Party with some easy to create ideas. Customize your party and have some friendly building competition! Remember an easy large LEGO decoration can be a wall of LEGO’s made from plastic tablecloths or poster board purchased from Dollar Tree. Get one of each color and you will have a bright colorful wall.

- Make sure to check out other LEGO Party Ideas.
- Simple and cheap LEGO Apple Juice Box idea.
What you Need:
- Red Tissue Paper
- Cardboard Box or large family size cereal box
- Packaging Tape
- Bungee Cord
- Scissors
- Small round object you can trace
- Glue stick
- Pencil
How to Make:
1. Take an elongated box or if you are like me I used pieces from an Easter display box I got from Dollar Tree. Cut your pieces and tape together. You can also use the large Family Size Cereal Boxes and make it faster!
2. Add your Bungee cord for the handle loop. Secure it with packaging tape. Secure it again! Trust me this will be pulled down on by the weight of your goodies and you want this part to withstand being knocked around.

3. Now that you have your bungee looped and secured, attach it to the remainder of the box by punching a hole with the end of your scissors in the middle of one end. Be sure to secure well with packaging tape.

4. Add the other sides of the box taping them down with packaging tape. Make sure to leave an opening to add all your Pinata goodies. (So lets take a moment here and laugh with me or at me! You see the cereal on the coffee table? My kiddos were obviously around while I was making this pinata. Oh they were so tiny then).

5. Take your pencil and small round object to trace your circles for the LEGO connectors. Once you have traced the circles, take your scissors and cut out all the circles. (More cereal)!

6. Cut long thin strips of cardboard about 1 1/2 inches width for the sides of the LEGO connectors. It is ok if you start to bend and curl them to cut the strips, you need them to be flexible.

7. Put together your circle LEGO Connectors. As mentioned above you need the strips to be flexible so curl them up. Now taking your packing tape attach them to the circles and make them secure.

8. Glue or tape the red tissue paper to the LEGO connectors as well as the LEGO box base. I recommend a glue stick but be careful not to put too much it will discolor your fingers momentarily! Picture I used scotch tape but would have preferred double sided tape. You can get it at Dollar Tree.

9. Attach the LEGO Connectors to the LEGO Box Base. This was a little tricky! You can use liquid glue to adhere the rim of the connectors to the base or you can trace and cut out more circles and tape them to the connectors prior to the red tissue paper. Then tape them to the base.

That is it! You are Done!