Lifeway VBS 2017 Galactic Starveyors Hallway Decorations
Your Lifeway VBS 2017 Galactic Starveyors Hallway would be cool if you designed it to be a walkway through space.
Line your Hallways with black or blue butcher paper or you can use plastic tablecloths. You can also find space backdrop from Amazon to hang on your walls. Depending on the lengths you need it can become costly so I recommend you find inexpensive alternatives.
Create your own stars, moon and planets to put on the walls or hang from the ceiling.
Galactic Stars
The Glow in the Dark Stars were from Dollar General and I purchased them on clearance. I believe they were 50% or more off. I end up getting 4-5 packages. Come to think of it I think I paid less than a quarter so they must have been 75% off. I found them at the end of the summer season.
You can download the FREE Galactic Stars and Moon SVG, PDF, PNG file below.
This moon and star can be doubled as a preschool alternative craft.
Check out other Galactic Starveyors Alternative Craft Ideas.
Galactic Moon
This Galactic Moon is made from a stone self sticking book cover roll. I purchased this a couple years ago from Goodwill with the intention of using it for rocks for Lifeways VBS 2015 Journey of the Map but that never happened. So I saved it and now made 12 moons! You can find all kinds of patterns at Dollar Tree.
The one I have is by Magic Cover brand
Galactic Planets
Galactic Back Drop
Use Black plastic tablecloths from Dollar Tree or Walmart. I find it useful to use painters tape to keep the tablecloth on the wall.
I used black for the top and blue for the bottom half of the wall to make the effect of lighter at the bottom because of street lights, etc.
We made sure to not cover Fire Alarms, Outlets and light switches. We used a combination of the Lifeway cutouts, printable images, lanterns, Christmas Ornaments, glow in the dark stars and self made stars and planets.
Here is the entrance way to the Children’s Wing
More Hallway Decorations
Entrance Way to the Worship Rally
Need more inspired Lifeway Galactic Starveyors VBS 2017 Decoration Ideas.