Shaun the Sheep Pinata

What you Need:
- Circle Lantern
- Tape
- Glue
- White Tissue Paper
- Bungee Cord
How to Make Shaun the Sheep:
Step 1
Get your supplies together. You will first start with the circle lantern and white tissue paper. First start with the white tissue paper crumpling it up and putting it in the lantern covering the bottom opening first. Then start stuffing the white tissue paper in. I used an entire pack of white tissue paper from Dollar Tree. The circle lantern can be purchased at Dollar Tree as well but I got mine at Goodwill for a quarter.
Step 2
Tie your bungee cord to the metal of the lantern and secure it tightly.
Step 3
Cover the circle lantern with white tissue paper and tape down. I used packing tape to tape it down.
Step 4
Cut the remainder of the white tissue paper into 3 x 3 inch squares. Use your index finger and place in the center of the paper on the end use liquid glue or glue stick and stick on the circle lantern and cover the entire pinata.
Step 5
While you wait for the glue to dry you will then need to cut out Shaun the Sheep Shape. This can be used for both invitations as well as the face for the pinata. You can purchase the SVG, PDF and PNG file to use on a cutting machine. The Shaun the Sheep Shape is available in the Party Store.
Step 6
Glue your Shaun the Sheep Face onto the pinata.
Step 7
Create legs and glue them on the sides of the pinata. Make sure to fill your pinata with candies and goodies and then cover it up securely.
That is it! You are done!
Topic: Shaun the Sheep Pinata