These Tangled Star Flower Lanterns are so simple to make and you will never guess that you can make these out of Wrapping paper from Dollar Tree. Yes you can use cardstock or even construction paper, but what I like about the wrapping paper all that is involved to make 2 is cutting 2 directions and folding 3 times and then taping!
Tangled Star Flower Lanterns
See Also
Be sure to check out other cool Disney Tangled Birthday Decorations simply by clicking on the image below.
What you Need:
- Purple Wrapping paper or Construction/Cardstock Paper
- Yellow Tissue paper
- Glue stick
- Fishing Wire
- Tape
How to Make:
1. First determine what purple paper you are using whether it is wrapping paper, construction paper or cardstock. If you are using the later two then you will need two sheets each per lantern.
2. If you are using wrapping paper you can determine the dimension you want your lantern to be. I feel 5 inches is a great width so your lantern will need to be cut 20 inches length and at least 8 inches height unless you want them taller or shorter.
3. Using Construction/Cardstock you will fold in half like a sandwich.
4. I used my Silhouette Cameo to cut out the flower shape you can attempt to cut out by tracing it on or tracing the yellow tissue paper and adding it on. I personally like the cut out and then just gluing the yellow tissue paper on the inside of the lantern. I cut out the flower on all four sides.
5. Tape the side together at the edges and inside of the middle. If using wrapping paper connect the ends together and tape.
6. Take fishing wire and cut the desired length. Tape on each ends of the Lantern to make a loop.
You can then take a long strip of fishing wire and tape in your party room from one end of the room to the other and slide on your lanterns. You can also vertically add fishing wire and tape to the ceiling make them all different heights similar to the movie scene. Be creative and have fun!
That is it! You are Done!