The Fresh Market Grand Opening – My Experience
So I wasn’t going to go to the Grand Opening but I did have some errands on that side of town so I did go!
It was packed and no parking!
I eventually found a parking spot and then when I went inside it was CRAZY! I did get a reusable bag. Like always I carry my iPad with me to take some pictures. I wasn’t entirely sure if The Fresh Market took coupons but then I found the item below with a peelie so my assumption is they atleast take manufacture coupons on products.
I stopped one of the store reps and asked if I could see or get a copy of their coupon policy. He told me if I have coupons they will take them! I then asked do they limit printable coupons per transaction. He wasn’t sure so at that point he decided to go get a store manager to answer my questions. The Store Manager told me that they take manufacture coupons from the Sunday inserts, peelies, blinkie dispensers and ones on product labels. He said they do not take printables. So I did try to do my best to research to make sure what the policy is.
I called their coorporate number 336-272-1338 so I can get a link to their coupon policy. They told me they don’t really send out the policy. However you can call and they will verbally tell you these policies.
The Fresh Market will Accept:
– All Manufacture Coupons printed in the newspaper inserts and or online (must say “printed from” on coupon)
– No limit on the amount of coupons to be used in a transactions except where noted on coupon. After the 3rd coupon, each coupon will have to be manually added.
– The Fresh Market WILL NOT accept any coupons that says “redeemble only at [store]”
– They DO NOT price match.
– Ad items not excluded – Coupons will be accepted on Sale items
– They WILL NOT Double or Triple Coupons.
– They will scan and accept smartphone coupons – Not all Stores have the capabilities to scan but will manually add them.
Overall the prices are higher for the same products and sizes that you can find at Walmart and Kroger. However the sale prices are great and better then the sale prices at Kroger or Walmart. But remember Walmart price matches and for me Walmart is closer to me so some the items will be better off just price matching at Walmart since its closer.
I was amazed at some of the products I found at The Fresh Market like Mayo, Cool Whip, and Sweet Baby Ray Sauce.