What you Need:
– Apple or Pear
– 1 Banana
– Strawberries
– Grapes
– Cheese
– 2 Skittles or M&M’s
How to Make:
1. First slice your Pear or Apple in half.
2. Slice your banana.
3. Cut the top stems off the strawberries and then slice in half.
4. Place your Apple or Pear in the center bottom of your tray.
5. Place your strawberries inverted every other one around the apple/pear.
6. Place your banana slices around the strawberries.
7. Place your handful of grapes around the strawberries.
8. Cut your nose and legs from a slice of cheese and put in place.
9. Lastly add your Skittles/M&M’s as eyes.
That’s it! You are done! Enjoy
Hi I am Rebecca Autry and I am a Stay at Home Mom who helps others save money. I have three beautiful children, married to my super hero hubby for over 10 years. I am a frugal living, DIY type of person. I like to make my own Pinatas, Cleaners, and all about reusing and re-purposing anything and everything.